Lotus Pose

Lotus Pose (Padmasana) is my 8 year old daughters favourite yoga pose.  She uses Lotus Pose to help her feel calm and content.  She also explains how it helps her body feel good with a long, stretched back.

The Lotus Pose is a wonderful calming pose that can work well for children any time of the day, even in the classroom.  It allows your body to be held completely still for long periods of time. As the body is steadied, the mind becomes calm.

In Buddhism symbolism, the lotus flower represents purity of the body, speech and mind.  This is why in yoga, Lotus Pose has been used in meditation for thousands of years.

The Lotus Pose

Sit with your legs stretched out in front of the body. Carefully bend one leg at a time and place your foot on top of the opposite thigh with the sole facing up.  Your knees should be able to touch the ground comfortably.

Now place hands in prayer pose with palms pressed together and sit tall with neck and spine long, but with relaxed shoulders.

Close your eyes and start to breath slowly.  As you exhale through your nose relax your muscles into the pose.  Relax the whole body.

The Lotus Pose is renown as an asana for meditation
Rainbow Pammy
Pammy is an avid lover of nature and art as a tool for mindfulness, She study's and explores her surroundings in the Perth hills and beaches to create raw and organic pieces including botanic art, ceramics, wild clay, printings, pressings and preserving's. With the idea of country heals, art heals, she uses nature and the practices of yoga in both her daily life, in her permaculture garden and her art. Pammy aspires to share her passion for sustainability, the connection to land and country and art as healing with her wider community through gatherings, workshops and yoga.

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